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Raw Testosterone Base Test Base Powder

» STEROID MATERIAL » Testosterone Powders » Raw Testosterone Base Test Base Powder

  • Specifications

Raw Testosterone Base Test Base Powder

Testosterone base is pure testosterone with no ester attached. This is the most potent form of testosterone available.

Testosterone Base is very popular due to all it can deliver. It is a powerful anabolic steroid, and one that helps to keep the testosterone levels higher. The use of This increases energy and offsets the lack of natural testosterone production due to other steroids in the stack. The average user can gain between 15 and 20 pounds of lean muscle mass in a cycle!

Testosterone base is not oil, but a water suspension. Its half-life is only 2 hours.

Testosterone Base Benefits:
Increased red blood cells
Increased energy
Process protein intake better
Higher libido

Testosterone Base Dosage:
The typical dose of Testosterone Base is 50/100 mg every 3 to 4 days.
The typical cycle is 8 weeks and it shouldn’t exceed 12 weeks.

Related raw steroids powder:
Testosterone enanthate Powder, Testosterone Cypionate Powder, Testosterone decanoate Powder, Testosterone propionate Powder, Testosterone phenylpropionate Powder, Sustanon 250 Powder,Testosterone undecanoate Powder, Testosterone Acetate Powder, Testosterone isocaproate Powder.

We supply quality raw Testosterone Propionate Powder and all kind of raw steroids powder, welcome to inquiry:
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Wiker me: lisaroidchem

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