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Raw Testosterone Acetate Test Ace Powder

» STEROID MATERIAL » Testosterone Powders » Raw Testosterone Acetate Test Ace Powder

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Raw Testosterone Acetate Test Ace Powder

Testosterone Acetate Description:
Testosterone acetate, a testosterone ester, is an androgen. Testosterone acetate is a steroid lipid molecule considered to be practically insoluble (in water) and basic.

Testosterone acetate is an anabolic steroid and testosterone prodrug. Testosterone acetate has a faster rate of absorption in the body then other esters. In combination with two other testosterone esters, testosterone valerate and testosterone undecanoate, it is a part of Deposterona.

With its blend of slow and fast-acting esters, Deposterona is essentially a low dosed alternative to Sustanon and is used primarily to treat impotence, weakness, fatigue, and hypogonadism in male breeding animals (cows, pigs, canines, and sheep), and also as a general protein-sparing anabolic.

Testosterone Acetate Benefits:
Testosterone acetate Increased Muscle Mass
Testosterone acetate Increased Energy
Testosterone acetate Increased Strength
Testosterone acetate Increased Stamina
Testosterone acetate Decreased Body-Fat
Testosterone acetate Enhanced Physique (when body-fat is low)
Testosterone acetate Increased Rate of Recovery
Testosterone acetate Enhanced Tissue Preservation (when calories are restricted)

Related raw steroids powder:
Testosterone enanthate Powder, Testosterone propionate Powder, Testosterone decanoate Powder, Testosterone Base Powder, Testosterone phenylpropionate Powder, Sustanon 250 Powder,Testosterone undecanoate Powder, Testosterone isocaproate Powder.

We supply quality raw Testosterone Acetate Powder and all kind of raw steroids powder, welcome to inquiry:
Whatsapp: 8618682336163
Wiker me: lisaroidchem

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